Mushrooms of Nepal (Third edition, 2024)
Name of the book– Mushrooms of Nepal (Third edition, 2024), Reprint
Author |
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Mahesh Kumar Adhikari |
Publisher |
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K. S. Adhikari |
Total Pages |
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552 |
Size of the book |
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5.5� X 8.5� |
Price |
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Price � 2000/-NR, 45/-USD,Postage Charge – Extra |
Address |
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GPO Box 21758, Kathmandu, Nepal |
All Rights Reserved to | Mr. Girish Adhikari | |
About the book
The investigation, study, identification, taxonomic grouping and the nomenclature of fungi were previously done based merely on eye witnessed morphological and microscopic characters. These included megascopic and minor characters such as structure of fruit body, nature of hymenium, color and shape and size of spores, nature of habit and habitat, exudates produced, changes in color (by bruising and chemical reactions), phyto – geographical distribution, taste and odor, ethnomycological approach and microscopic characters.
In the present century the new approaches in researches /investigation resulted the drastic changes, which were inevitable. The advancement were the result of the chemical reagent reactions and the equipment’s / instrumental throne consequences. Numerous changes in taxa including formation of new orders, families, and nomenclature of species which resulted in the placing of species to new concerned groups. The changes in the parameter of investigating procedures, the physical, morphological, microscopic and global distribution have led to more reliable results of phylogenetic and molecular analysis involving rDNA and ITS sequencing.
This is the third edition (reprint) (First publication - 2000; Second edition - 2014), incorporating many changes in taxonomic treatments of the taxa concerned, placing of the orders and families, their nomenclature based on publications of different authors, Mycobank, GBIF and Index fungorum, The chapters are arranged in the same manner as in previous publications [Chapter I Introduction, Chapter II Geographic profile, Chapter III - History of investigation, Chapter IV - Ascomycota taxon, Chapter V - Basidiomyc¬ota taxon,Chapter VI The Clavarioid genera , Chapter VII The genus Amanita, Chapter VIII Russulales: The genus Lactarius, Chapter IX Russulales: The genus Russula, Chapter X The Gastroid genera, Chapter XI Ethnomycology, Chapter XII References, Chapter XIII Addenda, PhotographsIndex} since the work of Lloyd (1808), Berkeley (1838) and J.D. Hooker's (1848 AD) explorations.
There are some additions of some newly recorded species, which gives a new horizon in investigating more and more. This Himalayan country “the central zone of biodiversity” still needs more investigation. Total 1207 taxa are included. The photographs of researchers and mushrooms (346) are incorporated in the book.